What We

Web app security

Application scans

Silver plan

This plan is curated towards content management systems such as Wrodpress, drupal, magento, and so on. We have a selected toolset that is guaranteed to thourugly check your website.

Gold plan

Our Gold plan is curated more towards medium-sized websites with custom solutions made with PHP, Javascript, etc. We perform a lot of checks to ensure that the website is as secure as possible

Platinum plan

This is our plan of plans. It has all of our custom solutions built into one. It can take quite a bit to finish, but it is worth it. No field is left unchecked, and no endpoint is untouched. Be sure that this plan will probably uncover something new.

Digital Compliance

Compliance Checks


Our fully automated tool, lets you see if you comply with GDPR laws, all you need to do is follow our wizard and let him guide you on what and where needs to be written. After that, you will have a report with recommendations and the outcome of compliance.

Social attacks


Phishing campaings

Our automated platform will let you create and launch custom campaigns. You can choose some of our templates or create your own. Also, you can choose if you want a full campaign from email to system compromise or just to see if your employees can differ a real email from a phishing one.